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Outside Sales Manager
Maple Grove
United States
| Full-time
| Fully remote
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Application Form
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone *
Resume *
In what city and state do you currently reside? *
Are you currently bound by a non-compete agreement that would affect your ability to work with Richelieu? *
As this position requires regular automobile travel, do you have reliable, independent transportation? *
How many years of experience do you have as a direct manager to an outside sales team? *
Have you ever worked in or around the building materials industry? If so, in which job(s), and when? *
What is your total annual compensation expectation? (a range is ideal) *
Are there any other unique considerations you'd like to share with us? (for example, note whether you're relocating soon, are a past employee, etc.) *
Thanks for your time
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